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GIE-2106 Doing Business in Quebec

Quebec is a unique market in North America in terms of its culture, its language, and its history. It is important to understand these particularities when doing business in the « belle province ». Indeed, doing business in Quebec is different from doing business in Canada or the USA, and foreign companies often make mistakes because they do not take these particularities into account. This course aims to introduce students to the specificities of the Quebec market and familiarize them with the strategic dimensions to consider when making decisions about the establishment of products, services, or the company as a whole.

  • 3 Crédits

  • Cycle du cours

    • Premier cycle
  • Modes d'enseignement

    • Régulier
  • À l'horaire

    • Automne 2024
  • Cours donné en anglais


  • Faculté des sciences de l'administration
  • Département de management

Cette activité est contributoire dans:

Cette page constitue la description officielle de cette activité. L'Université Laval se réserve le droit de modifier l'activité sans préavis. Tous les horaires indiqués sont sujets à changement.

Répartition hebdomadaire

  • 3h Cours
  • 0h Laboratoire ou travaux pratiques
  • 6h Travail personnel
  • 9h Total


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Automne 2024 – 1 section offerte

NRC 85294 Capacité maximale: 36 étudiants Enseignants: Antoine Cauchon, Catherine Talbot

This course is offered in in-person delivery mode where classes are offered in the physical presence of the student and teacher, according to a pre-determined schedule. On-campus presence is required. Classes are not recorded. If proctored exams are planned for this course, they will take place on campus only and may be held at times other than the scheduled class times, including evenings and weekends.

Plage horaire

    • Type: En classe
    • Dates: Du 3 sept. 2024 au 13 déc. 2024
    • Journée: Mardi
    • Horaire: De 12h30 à 15h20
    • Pavillon: Palasis-Prince
    • Local: 3316