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Electrical engineering is omnipresent in 21st-century industry and daily life.  In the industrial sphere, it has applications in sophisticated communication systems, renewable energy production, and automated manufacturing plants. In everyday life, electrical engineering plays a major role in home comfort, modern medicine, and the production of recreational equipment.  Electrical engineering is a diverse and fascinating field known for its rapid technological advances.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a master’s degree in electrical engineering, or an equivalent degree.

Applicants who hold a master’s degree in a related field may be eligible.
Students who are required to take undergraduate qualifying courses must obtain at least a B+ (3.33 out of 4.33).
Language requirements

Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in French OR English. Students must ensure that they have a good understanding of English and, if necessary, take steps to improve their language skills during their studies (for example at Université Laval’s language school). In the event of significant deficiencies, program direction can impose corrective measures. 

Applicants must comply with one of the following criteria:

Research Areas

  • Optical communications, photonics, and instrumentation
  • Electrical energy, electrotechnology, power electronics, and industrial control
  • Communications systems, radiofrequencies, signal processing, and microelectronics
  • Digital vision (2D, 3D, infrared, video), virtual reality, learning
  • Automation, observation, control
  • Process optimization


For a full list of professors, please refer to the descriptions on the Faculty of Science and Engineering website giving their fields of research in electrical engineering. (In French only)

A number of professors have an interest in supervising students under the agreement between UL and the CSC. Their areas of expertise and contact information are provided below.