Antoine-Turmel Research Chair on Legal Protection of the Elderly
Chaires de recherche en partenariat
- Sciences de l’éducation, de l’économie, sociales et humaines

Anne-Marie Savard
Full Professor
Faculté de droit
Faculty of Law
- Study the mechanisms that provide legal protection for elders and their implementation, in order to disseminate information and identify possible improvements
- Stimulate interdisciplinary research and national and international cooperation in the area of elder law
- Support the activities of researchers working in areas that complement the objectives of the Chair, and disseminate their findings.
- Contribute to an ongoing, coherent discussion of protection for the rights of the elderly.
- Train undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows, in various research fields relating to elder law.
In Québec, the Charter of human rights and freedoms expressly states, «every aged person and every handicapped person has a right to protection against any form of exploitation» and «a right to the protection and security that must be provided to him by his family or the persons acting in their stead». The Québec Charter suggests that the elderly are likely to be more vulnerable and may require increased legal protection.
At a time when demographic data clearly show the aging of the population, the economic and sociographic effects of the change raise a series of questions of current interest, in particular in Québec. Although some of the broader social consequences of aging have already received attention, there is also a need to look at situation of elders themselves, especially concerning respect for their rights.
The work of the Chair will look at the rights of the elderly as a specific category of individuals, contributing to a branch of law that is relatively undeveloped in Québec but is better known in the rest of Canada and the US, where it is commonly referred to as Elder Law.
Promote and support research, training and the dissemination of knowledge about elder law, to ensure that the autonomy of the elderly is respected and protected.
Antoine-Turmel Foundation
Research impacts
The Chair intends to improve current knowledge about elder law and develop experience in this specific legal field. The work of the Chair will be of use to various legal players, such as lawyers, notaries, judges, to all stakeholders in society with an interest in the rights of the elderly, and to elderly people themselves. The Chair will constitute a forum for debate and a crossroads for knowledge. The research findings will be publicly disseminated, helping to shed light on legal issues and extra-legal components for all experts in the field. |
Antoine-Turmel Research Chair on Legal Protection of the Elderly
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, bureau 7170
Université Laval
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
418 656-2131, poste 402026