Together, for a collective impact
Word from the rector
Inspiring stories from an engaged community
In 2023–2024, Université Laval demonstrated its commitment to achieving the success factors described in its institutional plan to assert itself as a high-impact university: Collaborative and innovative in both research and teaching, Agile and proactive, like members of the First Peoples, Committed to an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development goals, Civic-minded and engaged in its community and society as a whole, Inclusive and diverse thanks to numerous integration projects and International thanks to the mobility of its members and their collaborative spirit.
These success factors have sustained and inspired our community over the past year. They encourage us to act together to have a greater impact. Our university has also made a name for itself through a number of transformative initiatives to help address new challenges.
The stories presented in this report provide insight into the richness, diversity, vitality and creativity of our institution. What’s more, each meets at least one of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals to which our university is committed.
I thank our entire community as well as the members of the bodies involved for their commitment and determination in preparing for the future.
Sophie D’Amours

Success factors
To be a university that stands out for the scale of its impact, our institution must implement and reinforce six success factors. For each success factor, discover five examples of projects started or completed in 2023–2024. Each project is linked to and demonstrates our community’s commitment to one or more sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Being collaborative and innovative
That means pushing the boundaries to find new solutions and implement innovative practices through alliances and participatory projects, both internal and external, that engage communities.
Being agile and proactive
That means reinventing new ways of doing things, acquiring new knowledge, working together, and taking the initiative.
Being interdisciplinary
That means pooling our strengths and knowledge to tackle increasingly complex problems by sharing experiences and points of view.
Being civic-minded and engaged
That means working together toward social progress so that knowledge is generated and shared to meet the needs of communities.
Being inclusive and diversified
That means bringing talent together, fostering debate and promoting creativity by providing a fair and respectful study, work and living environment.
Being international
That means taking action and making an impact beyond Quebec’s borders by encouraging collaborative research and attracting and welcoming newcomers.
Transformational initiatives
To help address emerging challenges, Université Laval is establishing itself as a high-impact university where teaching and research serve the common good. To that end, we are deploying six transformational initiatives. Here are some examples of the 105 projects started or completed in 2023–2024.

Awards and distinctions
Every year, Université Laval recognizes the excellence and achievements of its students and faculty, outstanding personalities and graduates. Their success is remarkable and inspiring. Here is an overview of some of the awards and honours awarded throughout the year.
Hommage to a pioneer
In 1938, Jeanne Lapointe became one of the first secular woman to graduate from Université Laval, and in 1940, it’s first female literature professor.An intellectual with progressive ideas and a multidisciplinary culture, she helped modernize and democratize Québec’s education system.
She was involved in improving girls’ access to and inclusion in schools and has paved the way for other women in higher education. Her legacy is a symbol of women’s progress and empowerment. It must serve to inspire future generations, both men and women, to pursue her work toward equity and inclusion.
The educational sciences building was renamed after her to recognize her legacy and accomplishments.

Philanthropy and alumni relations
350 000

appointments and honours
recognized by our department

18 272
donors, foundations,
organizations and partners

for scholarships, teaching,
research and infrastructure

raised by the ULaval
Community Campaign

Impact Report
Read the Rapport d’impact 2023-2024 from the Philanthropy and Alumni Relations Department
Our commitment to sustainability
university in La Francophonie and 19th
in the Times Higher Education Impact 2024 ranking

of undergraduates were introduced
to the values and challenges of sustainable development

of recognized research bodies address an issue
related to sustainable development

reduction in Scope 1 and 2
GHG emissions compared to 2006

people reached through
the Ulaval Mon Équilibre healthy living program

Contribution to sustainable development goals
The UN Sustainable Development Goals guide our actions to integrate SD principles into our activities.
Financial statements and benchmarks
The financial statements present the University’s financial position, the results of its operations, and its cash flows. The benchmark indicators show how our institution has progressed in its areas of activity. Here is an overview of eight of these indicators.
Financial statements
Earnings (in thousands of dollars)

Investments (in thousands of dollars)

Benchmark indicators
Total student enrolment (academic year)
Université Laval is home to one of the largest student communities in Québec. A yearly enrolment count shows that more than 55,000 students attended Université Laval in 2023–24.
Source: Déclaration au système de gestion des effectifs universitaires
(GDEU) du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES)

Number of degrees and certification granted
Université Laval is among the universities that confers the greatest number of degrees in Canada.

Proportion of course registrations by the cours format (Fall session)
The diversity of teaching options offered at Université Laval provides maximum flexibility for students.
Source: Institutionnal date

Proportion of students of international origin in the entire student body (%)
International students, who come from some 130 countries, are largely from France and francophone Africa. Despite the exceptional circumstances in recent years, Université Laval has managed to continue attracting international students.
Source: Déclaration au système de gestion des effectifs universitaires (GDEU) du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES)

Proportion of international collborative research publications
More than 50% of research publications under the name of Université Laval professors are the result of collaboration with international researchers.
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science).

Resarch partners
As one of the largest research universities in Canada, Université Laval includes numerous partners in its research activities
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science).

Student satisfaction index (%)
Two North American surveys have confirmed for many years that students’ overall satisfaction with the training offered at Université Laval is higher than the average student satisfaction rate at Canadian universities as a whole.
Sources: NSSE (National Survey on Student Engagement) and the CGPSS (Canadian Graduate Programs Satisfaction Survey), conducted on a triennial basis.

Direct greenhous gas budget (scope 1 and 2)
Université Laval, a leader in sustainable development and carbon neutrality since 2015, has ranked 19th in the world and first in La Francophonie in the Times Higher Education 2024 Impact ranking. This ranking assesses the performance of universities in advancing the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The University also holds the STARS Platinum Award, which measures the sustainable development performance of higher education institutions.
Source: Institutional data

Members of the Board, the University Council, the management team and the standing committees are committed to supporting innovation and excellence in research and teaching. enriching the student experience and promoting our institution.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is an independent body that ensures the University is managed in exemplary fashion. It approves and supports the University's strategic priorities and gives major projects the green light.

University Council (UC)
The UC has authority on academic issues such as grades, degrees, certificates, and programs. It is also responsible for various appointments, promotions, and awards at centres and institutes.

Operating under the leadership of the rector, the University's management team is resolutely committed to fulfilling Université Laval's mission and strategic plan.

Permanent commissions
Université Laval's permanent commissions are mandated to develop, coordinate, evaluate, analyze and reflect on a wide range of issues.