Research and Innovation
Université Laval’s accomplished and respected professors make the institution a world-renowned hub for research and innovation. Armed with a transdisciplinary approach, they are committed to making positive impacts in the communities where they work.

Faculty directory

Research units
Research is sport
Because there are always real people behind brilliant ideas, discover how our researchers collaborate to push the limits of knowledge. An open environment and state-of-the-art research infrastructure provide our research community with everything it needs to tackle our current and future challenges.
Research at the heart of our lives

2022–2027 Research and Innovation Development Plan
Entitled Joining forces to transform the world – Innovating to benefit society, the plan’s ambition is clear: conduct inclusive, connected, sustainable research to benefit communities and the planet.
Discover the PlanMajor structuring initiatives
Learn more about major transdisciplinary projects led by our faculty and their partners, to meet tomorrow's social, scientific and economic challenges.
Learn more

Office of the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation
The Office of the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation (VRRCI) draws on its team’s expertise to oversee the growth and promotion of research and innovation at UL.